
Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

Website Terms of Use

By sending a message to the company using our contact form, you agree to its storage (in email format), as well as giving us the possibility to communicate with you, regarding the subject of the message.

The company collects contact information (e.g. email) for the purpose of informing the visitor (e.g. newsletter) and only after his consent. The administrator of the website makes every possible effort to ensure these, as well as the observance of the relevant laws and regulations, as they apply or are amended. Therefore, visitors/users of the website must periodically check these terms of use for possible changes. The company does not transfer personal information collected from its website to third parties.

It is prohibited (without the written consent of the company) any use, copying, storage and sending of any kind of material of the website, such as for example logos, images, videos, texts, articles, etc., which are the intellectual property of the company.


The company makes every effort to ensure that the website remains secure, correct in its content and free of malware, without providing any guarantees or encouraging users to accept them as they are. Therefore, the company bears no responsibilities and obligations of any kind (e.g. payment of compensation) for any damages that may be suffered by the user of the website.
The company is not responsible and does not guarantee the continuous viewing of the website or the absence of errors (both in it and/or in possible means of transmission/servers).
The company bears no responsibility for possible third-party advertisements that will appear on its website, to which it will not have access.

The company does not encourage the users and does not seek the acceptance of any kind of information mentioned on the website.